The Anti-Snow Day.

I was SO excited. Literally every news and weather organization told us that Lancaster would be getting at least 5-8 inches yesterday. Not having had a ‘substantial’ snow storm since we moved here, I was actually looking forward to hunkering down, drinking hot chocolate and letting the little man play in the snow. (It would have been his first time!) Alas, I woke up yesterday….and it was raining. Not only did it rain in the morning, it rained allll day. Not a flake in sight, not even one. Trust me, I was watching. Since I had already prepared to just stay home, we didn’t have much of anything on the calendar and were able to have one fabulous play-day….or as I like to call it, an Anti-Snow Day! :)

To those of you who have snow…enjoy! As for us, I am focusing on the fact that we are one more day closer to SPRING! xo

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We played with alllll of Liam’s trucks….

(Obviously, playing with trucks is a very serious undertaking.)

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…and there are the sillies. :)

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We read some books…

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…played with some blocks…

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…lounged on a giant stuffed elephant…

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Watched and waited for snow. Loki pup even got in on this one! :)

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The best part…Daddy came home early from work to play (and build this fantastic block bridge!)!!

I hope you all enjoyed your rainy (or snowy!) day off yesterday! Happy Thursday!



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