10 on 10. July Edition.

Happy July, all! So sorry for the lack of blogging lately! If I may be honest, with preggo #2 happening, I have trouble sitting for long periods of time without getting dizzy! No fun! As a result, my blogs have become few and far between. 10 on 10 is certainly one of my favorite series and I was so excited to be feeling well enough to put this month’s together! It is just a day-in-the-life of the Neumanns, but sometimes I feel like that’s the best kind. :)

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When the little man naps, I love to photograph how and where he leaves his toys. Today, dump-truck lounged on the doggie’s bed and teddy took a precarious ride on the motorcycle.

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I love to have little, pretty things in my house. This garland hangs in our living room windows and is one of my faves. (Anthropologie.)

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I remember hanging that mobile, thinking how long it would be before he could reach it…

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First local tomato and it smells sooooo good. (It also weighs over a lb.!!! What?!!)

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Fresh flowers are the BEST. They are even better when they are your own and you have not one, but two bushes overflowing with blooms! I love them even more because hydrangeas were my wedding flowers. :)

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Grippy little monkey toes.

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Daddy is teaching this one to stick his tongue out. Safe to say he is making progress.

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Golf lessons are also on the agenda. Fisher Price style. :)

Happy Wednesday everyone! Hope it is a fabulous one!



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