Olivia Grace, 3 months old.

3 months. In some ways, it feels like it’s been years since we moved to MD and Olivia was born. Other times, (mainly when I am packing away clothes that are already too small, or putting her to bed in her own room) it feels like the moments are slipping away too quickly. This little lady has been a delight to us and we are loving watching her personality blossom as she grows. At 3 months, she is:

*Just under 14 pounds.

*Wearing 3-6 month clothes.

*Laughing, smiling, giggling, cooing, and chatting.

* Watching her brother and the dog intently.

*Sleeping at least 10 hours each night.

*Literally screams in delight when you walk into her bedroom each morning.

*Loves to be around people and being held upright.

*JUST about to roll over (tummy to back).

*Bath time is a fave.

*In a word – sweetness.

She and I took some photos yesterday as Liam napped to mark her 3 months with us! Enjoy!

O-7147 O-7160

I decided to show off her adorable chub in most of these…:)

O-7278 O-7252 O-7281 O-7275 O-7245 O-7181-2 O-7304 O-7309O-7226

Love you, sweet girl! xo

5 thoughts on “Olivia Grace, 3 months old.

  1. 10 hrs at night?!! Please share your secret! Our baby girl is almost 3 months & we’re lucky to get 4!

    Beautiful girl, beautiful shots!

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