Foodie Friday: Oatmeal Raisin, Chocolate Chip Cookies.

This Foodie Friday goes out to my husband – a selfless guy whom I love and appreciate a bit more each day. These cookie are his favorite and I love surprising him with a warm batch when he comes home after work. As you will see below, he is not the only guy in our house that finds them irresistible. :) Plus, there are full of fruit AND oats, so they are practically granola bars…haha! (I wish!!) Whip up a batch on this rainy, gray day, you won’t regret it…I promise! :) Happy Friday and as always, enjoy!! xo


Oatmeal Raisin, Chocolate Chip Cookies

Recipe courtesy of: Smitten Kitchen

(Scroll down to the recipe instructions for version that includes chocolate. :))


A little “behind the scenes” helper. He may have made off with at least one of those “models”…:)



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